"Aladdin" by Dave Lye and Denis Beresford (11-15 Dec 2007)
Programme |
CastAbanazer (Mervyn Jupe)
Slave of the Ring (Dave Lye) Washey (Jo Barrett) Wishey (Anny Austin-Smith) Aladdin (Alex McDevitt) Widow Twankey (Chris Hulatt) Vizier (Adam Richardson) Emperor (James Davies) Princess Ki-Lee (Kirsty Harrison) Prawn Ball (Liz Thonemann) Prawn Cracker (Teena Heer) Guards / Chorus (Christine Lee, Sue Darrieulat, Bryony Wilman, Sheila Churchill) Genie of the Lamp (Christopher Thompson) |
BandBass (Adrian Yorath)
Guitar (Bob Ash) Drums (Lyn Edwards) CrewDirector (Jane Atkinson)
Musical Director (Robert Emery) Props, Backstage (Nicola Porter, George Atkinson, Caroline Atkinson, Una Hodgekins) Set (Dave Lye, Teena Heer) Lighting (Cecilia Coleshaw) Business Manager (Mervyn Jupe) Front of House (Members & friends of St. Michael’s) Poster and stage art (Teena Heer) |