"Sleeping Beauty" by Phil and Kathy Lye (11-13 Dec 2008)
Programme |
CastTown Crier (Nick Lee)
Mrs Huggenkiss (Alastair Dewar) Billy (Dave Lye) Fairy Nightshade (Malcolm Morgan) Nettle (Andrew Trimble) King of Chiswickia (Mervyn Jupe) Queen of Chiswickia (Ruth Reid) Fairy Snowdrop (Sue Darrieulat) Fairy Bluebell (Christine Lee) Fairy Dandelion (Lorraine Allen) Princess Rose (Liz Thonemann) King Truelove of Hammersmith (Jim Yorath) Queen Truelove of Hammersmith (Sheila Churchill) Prince Henry (Finnuala Kennedy) Chorus (Gabrielle Keyzar, Jo Barrett, Elizabeth Ollier) |
BandBass (Ian trowbridge)
Drums (Lyn Edwards) CrewDirector (Jane Atkinson)
Musical Director (Robert Emery) Choreography (Paul Tomkinson) Set / Props / Backstage (Dave Lye and the cast) Stage Manager (Jo Barrett, Elizabeth Ollier) Costumes (Bryony Wilman, Sue Darrieulat) Prompt (Bryony Wilman) Lighting (Chris Hulatt) Photography (Teena Heer ) Business Manager (Chris Hulatt) Front of House (Members & friends of St. Michael’s) Poster (Atkinson Associates) |