"Love Affair" by Alfred Shaughnessy (23-26 Nov 1994)
CastGhislaine (Tulin Keenan)
Valentine Matignon (Sue Darrieulat) Patrick Croisset (Peter Henson) Jean Camarec (Mervyn Jupe) Gerard Lenotre (Peter Woods) Jerome (Philip Lye) Brigitte Montillier (Jane Atkinson) Young man (Nicholas Darrieulat) |
CrewDirector and Producer (Denis Beresford)
Stage Manager (Dave Lye) Set design (Denis Beresford) Set construction (Dave Lye, Denis Beresford) Lighting (Chris Hulatt, Andy Lee) Properties (Jane Atkinson, Ruth Reid) Costume consultant (Mavis Smith) Business Manager (Chris Hulatt) Hair consultant (Christine Hatfield) Publicity and Printing (Chris Hulatt) |